How to Get a Blue Parakeet to Be Happy
Parakeets, also known as budgies, make great pets if you are properly prepared for them and so long as you know what to expect. Like all animals, blue parakeets have pros and cons. If you have been considering getting a blue parakeet, here is everything you should know!
So, what should you know before getting a blue parakeet?
Before acquiring a blue parakeet as a pet, you should know that these parakeets live from 15-20 years, they love attention, and they need bird toys in their cages for mental stimulation and fun. They make great pets and are relatively low-maintenance birds.
Blue parakeets are friendly birds with unique personalities, but there are many different contributors to understanding what owning a blue parakeet will be like. So, what are the most important things to know before buying a blue parakeet? Read on for everything you'll need to know.
The Life Expectancy of a Blue Parakeet
Blue parakeets have a life expectancy of 15-20 years, which is a rather big time commitment that you should plan for. Blue parakeets outlive most cats, dogs, and other small mammals, so if you have any big life changes happening in the next couple of decades which might make taking care of this cute bird a difficult task, maybe this wouldn't be the best pet for you.
The Diet of a Blue Parakeet
In the wild, blue parakeets eat seeds and vegetation. Knowing this can help you try to provide a similar diet. Having bird seed as the main source of food is fine, however, it should not be the only thing you are feeding your bird.
Blue parakeets need seed along with fruits and vegetables in order to maintain a healthy diet. Some common fruits and vegetables that parakeets enjoy are broccoli, carrots, apple, cucumber, and other produce.
If you only feed your parakeet bird seed, there is a good chance of diet issues associated with malnutrition.
As far as drinking goes, blue parakeets need fresh water. Parakeets not only drink from their water dishes, but they also bathe in them. Changing the water (clean and filtered) at least twice, daily is necessary in order to provide a clean environment for your bird.
It is a good idea to keep two or even three water dishes on hand, as you can easy sanitize and switch them out daily.
Knowing Signs of Illness
As the main provider of your blue parakeet, you are responsible for any health issues that arise. Even though blue parakeets are overall pretty healthy birds, it is important to be aware of the signs of bad health.
To know when your bird is getting sick and needs medical attention, look for changes in appetite, discoloration or differences in the consistency of their feces.
Lastly, look at changes in behavior or aggression. These can all be signs of an unhealthy bird.
Living Conditions for Parakeets
Imagine living in a 100 square foot house; eating there, sleeping there, going to the bathroom there and never being able to leave. That would be pretty frustrating to say the least, especially when you have the desire to fly.
Keep that in mind when picking out a bird cage for your new family pet. Most bird cages are too small and confined for the kind of space a bird needs to live happily. Choose a bigger size cage, but make sure it is designed for smaller birds with smaller cage bars.
Unlike other birds, budgies will try to stay active no matter what size cage they are in, so giving them a big enough space to do so is ideal. These bird's respiratory systems actually rely on this exercise to work properly.
As birds do well in most home temperatures, it is important to note if you like your home warmer or colder. The bird may suffer in any above or below room temperature conditions.
When placing the bird's cage somewhere in your home, be sure not to place it where direct sunlight will reach it constantly, and try to avoid areas with a constant cold draft such as by an air vent.
Keeping a roosting box, which is a wood box with a small entry hole for the bird, helps to keep the bird warm also. Having a roosting box inside the cage provides a way for your blue parakeet to seek warmth if needed.
Cage Life

Your parakeet is going to spend the majority of its life in its
In order to make sure your bird's cage stays clean, first, change the water out daily. Avoid any chemicals around the bird's cage. Instead, use baking soda if you need to clean any stuck on bird droppings. Use newspaper or wood chips to cover the bottom of the bird cage.
A clean cage is a happy cage!
These two materials absorb moisture and also dries fast. You don't have to clean the newspaper or wood chippings as often as the water, but at least once a week would be ideal for a clean cage. The more often you are cleaning your bird's cage, the less you have a huge mess to deal with.
Blue Parakeets Need Bird Toys
Parakeets will spend about 22 hours a day in a cage, while the other two usually playing with owners or flying around. 22 hours a day is a long time, so parakeets need toys to play with. Give your bird a lot of different options as far as toys go.
Different textures, colors, sounds; things they can rip up, chew on or swing on! An important note is to make sure the toys you are getting are made for small birds. Blue parakeets can get their head or feet stuck or injured in larger toys not meant for their size.
These types of birds have a lot of intelligence that require mental stimulation to keep them from getting bored and stressed easily, then acting out. Toys are a great way to keep your bird in its best mental state by keeping it stimulated.
Human interaction is especially encouraged to keep your bird happy and healthy!
Blue Parakeets Need Attention
These birds really are able to thrive in stimulating environments, whether that be with humans or even other birds. Having at least one other parakeet in the cage improves the quality and overall happiness of the bird.
Take the time to play with your bird, teach it new tricks, and help it fulfill its social hour by just having fun!
Birds need attention, and can even be driven to bad behaviors such as biting and screaming if not given enough attention. When deciding whether this is the best pet for you and your family, consider the amount of time you'll be spending at home.
If you won't be home very often, this pet might not be for you!
Blue Parakeets: Cute and Friendly
Blue parakeets can be fun, social and energetic birds that make a great addition to your family and home. Knowing these important subjects before you get your new bird can help you decide whether this is the right choice for you, and help you prepare for the fun you might be getting into.
Now that you are educated about everything you should know before you get a blue parakeet, you should be a pro. Enjoy your fun new friend!
How much does a blue parakeet cost?
Blue parakeets cost anywhere between $10-$60. This can depend on their age, where you buy them from, and if they are in good health. If it feels like you are paying next to nothing for a blue parakeet, you might want to take a closer look at the place trying to sell you the bird. Pay for a blue parakeet that is in good health and from a good breeder or a pet store that has a good reputation.
Is there a difference between a parakeet and a budgie?
Parakeets and budgies are the same species. They are called parakeets in the United States and budgies to the rest of the world. Their scientific name is the Melopsittacus undulatus. According to Wikipedia, the parakeet or budgie is the only species in the genus Melopsittacus.
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